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The Legue is an education and service organization dedicated to the support and protection of innocent human life, from conception to natural death.  We provide administrative, IT, financial, legal and medical support services to our network of crisis pregnancy clinics, centers and maternity homes across California. We exist to defend the God-given gift of life.


The League has been saving lives, changing hearts and minds, and leading the pro-life movement for over 54 years!


In 1967, a group of Los Angeles based doctors, lawyers, and concerned citizens came together to lobby then-governor Ronald Reagan, asking him NOT to sign the first pro-abortion bill in California. Although Reagan had already agreed to sign the bill, after learning about the truth of abortion, he told League founders he would never sign another pro-abortion bill again—and he was true to his word.  

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Since then, the Right to Life League proudly continues to: 

         • educate about the reality of abortion;

         • support pregnancy help clinics and maternity homes               throughout the state; 

         • provide post-abortion healing to women and men to                 end the cycle of abortion; and

         • advocate for life advocacy in the most hostile, anti-life            state in the nation.

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